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SQL Account - your Ideal Accounting Software
Check out why more than 270,000 companies trusted SQL Account.
SQL Account enhances workplace performance, reduces human error, and maximizes profits through our stable, dependable, and developed software functionalities.
Our system’s wide range of functions includes data collection and analysis, accurate reporting formats, inventory maintenance, and SST processing.
When you choose SQL Accounting software, you will also receive an abundance of online resources to support your journey in using this system. Regardless if it’s an on-premise or cloud accounting software, SQL Account is the best. If that’s not enough, we conduct unlimited hands-on free accounting software training in our HQ.
SQL Account Features
General Ledger
It’s easy to manage and track your company’s accounting records
Keep your customers in touch
Manage and keep your supply chain in check
More time. For Sales.
Be cost effective.
Helps take control of your inventory effortlessly

Whatsapp Integration with All Document
Step it up by using Whatsapp to send your business documents! SQL Account is the first accounting software integrated with Whatsapp feature, now you can send Quotation, Invoice, Statement of account and many more documents to your clients via Whatsapp with a few simple clicks.
Exclusive partnership with CTOS Malaysia

Automate bank reconciliation & bank feeds
Flexible Unlimited User Defined Fields

Salesman Commission Reports
SQL Account supports a variety of commission calculation. We calculate partial-payment commission, profit-margin based commission, and we also support multiple commission rates based on stock groups and agents.
Advance security
SQL Accounting provides the best options when it comes to data privacy. You can have double layer access control on what they can do on SQL Accounting. For example, users whom you granted them access right in cash book entry for recording expenses transactions, but you also wish to “hide of” transactions with sensitive keyword , like ‘Director fees’ or ‘bonus’ etc from them.
By assigning advance security transactions exclusions to your users, you can ensure data confidentiality which only uniquely found in SQL accounting .

Unlimited monthly free training and Responsive support team
No worries if you are unfamiliar with our system! We provide free accounting software training every month. Contact us to find out more! Our technical support team is fully trained and equipped to assist you via phone, email, and remote access.
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SQL Account Releases
SQL Account 5.2024.980.845
- Database upgrade to version 199
- #6832: Maintain Stock Item's browse grid show no responding when search on Barcode column
- Fix TikTok access token expiry check
- Include Shopee shipping fee SST in sales order and print order invoice
- Fix EasyStore calculated discount adjustment incorrectly
- Fix Shopee not including shipping fee SST in sales invoice
- TikTok fetch order date from payment file instead of calling API
- #6848: Import payment voucher or journal entry from SQL Payroll prompt error "Access Violation"
- #6826: Maintain GL Account and Opening Balance forms preview report prompt Access Violation error
- #6833: Maintain Stock Value preview report raise error "RTTI objects cannot be manually destroyed by application code"
- #6845: Sales Invoice Unit Price incorrect when Customer Price Tag Discount Field change from Null to empty
- #6841: TCommDevice PrintFromString and PrintFromBytes does not work in script
- #6839: SST IMSV Tax double entry not tally if change document date from Mar (8%) to Feb 2024 (6%)
SQL Account 5.2024.979.844
- Fix Invoke IBizApp.IsLogin prompt error "Catastrophic failure"
- Add Maybank cloud banking
- #6831: Document Entry forms click "Edit as New" button shouldn't remain 6% Tax Amt on March 2024
- #6834: Access violation in Show Chart
- #6829: SST tax code with Tax Inclusive by default will cause Tax Amt incorrect when Sales Order Date before 01 Mar & transfer to IV for Date after 01 Mar 2024
- Fix Incomplete captions of menu items under SST/GST menu
- #6820: SQL Power Search prompt "Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)" when tick a table to search
SQL Account 5.2024.977.843
- Database upgrade to version 198
- #3445: Job Order add Cancelled Date & Cancelled Qty
- Auto Select Bank for Giro bank info when BankID is selected and Giro is null
- #6806: Maintain Location default location should set default GL Stock Project for new database (db upgrade only)
- Convert Stock Received to FR3 format
- Recognize TikTok payment type "Deductions incurred by seller" as adjustment
- #5558: Serial Number Qty lookup labels at the bottom not display properly
- #6815: Create asset disposal prompt error "Problematic key value"
SQL Account 5.2024.976.842
- Database upgrade to version 197
- [SST-MY] #6779: Update new SST Tax Rate for Malaysia SST tax codes started 2023-03-01 (SV, SVA, SU, PSV, DTR)
- Disable AddToCart option
- Fix TikTok not posting ARIV for past invoice
- Fix Shopee return refund variance calculation
- [SST-MY] Maintain Tax display new SST tax rates according to industries (effective from 1st March 2024)
- Fixed Batch Print Sales Invoice 8 (SST 2) format tax rate not correctly shown
- #6810: System Calculate Bank Closing not calculate after apply
- #6812: Process SST Return raise access violation error when the IV (Tax: SV) have outstanding more than 1 year
- #6801: Weighted Average costing for Stock Transfer IN Qty UTD Cost should be 0 when UTD Qty <=0
- TikTok sales credit note doesn't add shipping fee adjustment correctly
- Use TikTok payment file "Related order ID" as order adjustment ID when payment type is "Order"
- #6806: Maintain Location default location should set default GL Stock Project for new database
SQL Account 5.2024.974.841
- Database upgrade to version 196
- Fix Shopee return refund variance calculation
- Add TikTok shipping fee subsidy to platform shipping fee discount adjustment calculation
- Add Shopee prorated coin value refund items to sales credit note and fix return refund variance calculation
- Add Shopee seller protection fee claim for reverse shipping fee in sales credit note
- Avoid posting TikTok platform shipping fee discount in credit note
- Add TikTok SFP service fee and transaction fee to credit note if sales invoice is knocked off with credit note
- Fix Shopee debug mode showing load file dialog instead of save file dialog when new debug file option is selected
- Skip checking for TikTok payment's order type when verifying post status
- Fix TikTok posted shipping fee adjustment incorrectly
- Add TikTok platform discount refund and actual return shipping fee to sales credit note for partial refund order
- Revise posting cancelled order to sales invoice
- Allow WooCommerce cancelled order to be posted as cancelled sales invoice
- Fix EasyStore not including additional discount in sales invoice
- Replace sales invoices in Shopee order section when verify status is "Replace"
- Fix Lazada does not knockoff sales invoice with reversal item price credit note properly
- Include UOM when looking for BOM sub item
- Fix Lazada edited sales invoice without adjusting Lazada Bonus - LZD co-fund
- Fix Lazada posted sales credit note incorrectly included Lazcoin discount
- Fix Lazada posted sales credit note incorrectly for order with payment fee only
- Fix TikTok posted sales credit note incorrectly for partial refund order
- #6697: Asset disposal by qty
- Add Qty column to FA_ITEM_PROJECT, FA_DI table; add FA_DI_PROJECT table; FA_DI table rename Project column to PaymentProject
- Add Sales Picking List (Barcode) format
- Add Sales Cash Sales 6 - Receipt-TM-U220 (SST)-With PM KO format
- Add Customer & Supplier SBank Details Request Form (E-Payment) format
- #6804: Continue pressing shortcut key on the a child form will trigger the action in other child form
- #6803: Asset disposal prompt error upon save if payment method is non-payment method GL code
- #6797: Maintain Stock Item, Customer & Supplier open Analysis code entry forms (e.g Stock Group, Agent, Area and etc) should check access right
- #6768: Asset item status date does not change after edit the asset disposal post date
- #6799: Show system conversion date value in the message "System conversion date in between depreciation date range"
- Fix Audit Trail Summary form Apply button position and form enlarge to 70% of monitor screen
- #6798: JV contains SV tax code is allowed to delete after process SST return
- #6775: A document type can utilize document number set of other document type
- #6794: Purchase Invoice, Cash Purchase & Returned Outstanding label incorrect when there are documents with same doc no
- Fix Asset item detail datasets scroll to last record upon save
- Fix Fixed asset test suite prompt duplicate GL account code 924-000
- #6778: Application prompt error "Conversion error from string" if windows region format is Thai
- [GST-SG] #6783: Singapore Maintain Tax display Tax Rate should be 9% instead of 8%
- #6746: Default value for DIY field is not working
SQL Account 5.2023.973.840
- Cater damaged parcel for TikTok order
- Fix Lazada edited sales invoice with unadjusted Lazada bonus amount
- Fix for fetch specific shop's products and orders
- Create credit note for Lazada order with damaged item while shipping
- Try to update alternative code if record inserted before
- Add adjusted coin discount to Shopee order's credit note
- Fix for e-commerce account form updated settings to incorrect shop when main account is used
- Fixed GL Cash Flow Statement 2 & 4 Columns format on export to excel title missing
- Fixed Asset Analysis (12 Months) - Group By Level 2 mapping dataset not correct
- Fixed error when description is using [] for SST Listing 3 report
- Fixed Sales Local - Invoice Collection Report not including Contra Amount
- #6764: Asset item depreciation schedule supports batch edit
- #6680: Import asset item through batch entry window prompt "Schedule total depreciation must be equal" error
- #6748: Asset analysis show zero disposal amount when filtered by asset group
- #6732: Add journal entry document number to asset depreciation process
- #6765: Open Depreciation Listing prompt "Access Violation" error
SQL Account 5.2023.972.839
- Database upgrade to version 195
- Feature #6749: GL Bank Reconciliation add Attachment field
- Feature #6752: Maintain Location add GL Stock Project field for auto post GL Stock value by project
- #6760: Maintain GL Stock Value prompt "Invalid Transaction Object" error when save
- #6757: AR/AP Deposit Entry once change the date from after conversion date to before conversion date the ledger transactions for detail records still exists
- #6762: Rich Text Editor multi select different rows with different font size and click font size combo box prompt "'' is not valid integer" error
- Fixed Cust-Multi-F1-12 Mths Statement-Jun 2004, May 2004....xml error when Batch Email
- Shopee fallback to individual order fetch when empty array is received from API endpoint
- Fix TikTok fetch order item's SKU info causes access violation on multi-thread execution
- TikTok allow ignore cipher when get request query
- Fix TikTok failed to post order with shipping fee only
- #6761: Stock Transfer open barcode form (F8) search by serial number prompt access violation error
- Feature #6738: SL/PH Yearly Sales Analysis add Item Desc 2, Remark 1 & Remark 2 grid columns
- #6734: GL P&L report Taxation account should be positive for debit side value
- #6759: Open GL Cash Book raise error "overflow error while converting a variant of type (Double) into Type (Currency)" due to a large value enter for bank charge
- #6758: AR/AP Deposit Entry Deposit Acc lookup should include Other Liabilities & Other Assets deposit accounts accordingly
- #6754: GL P&L Statement, Balance Sheet Statement and Trial Balance report should not auto update GL Stock Value if fall outside maintain acceptable trans date
SQL Account 5.2023.968.838
- Fix posted incorrect amount of EasyStore gift voucher to sales invoices
- Enable Auto Post Reverse Unrealise GainLoss on 01 of Next Month for Customer & Supplier 06 Months Aging-GainLoss format
- Reduce Level support to 3 for GL BS - 6C1P - FA format
- Database upgrade to version 194
- #6723: GL Balance Sheet & GL P&L reports Project Tab add Full Expand & Full Collapse options
- #6707: AR/AP Deposit Entry Deposit Account lookup filter by current asset or current liabilities
- Force TikTok confirmed order status to canceled for order canceled due to item not shipped out
- Add prorated Shopee voucher offset return to Shopee order's sales credit note
- Fix replace as canceled sales invoices does not tick canceled checkbox
- #6702: Auto Bank Recon - Ambank new deposits combined statement format
- Auto Bank Recon - Fix Public Bank format capture Balance as Dr Amount
- #6717: Auto Bank Recon - Add Affinmax Bank format
- #6715: Purchase Invoice unable to save if cancel document with serial number and user has no right for "Allow Non-existent/Duplicate Serial Number"
- #6704: Entry Form Note field should follow application default font type
- #6720: Sales Entry forms open Profit Estimator form slow when costing detail table has big data
- #6716: Stock Physical Worksheet & Stock Reorder Advice reports drag and drop to Stock Transfer should assign Location to From Location field
- Add adjusted coin discount for Shopee sales invoice
- Fix for Shopee displaying incorrect return quantity amount
- Post TiktTok platform reimbursement and shipping fee compensation with the use of new TikTok payment file format
- Bug fix for posting TikTok logistics reimbursement, and post TikTok sample shipping fee adjustment with the use of new TikTok payment file format
- Fix TikTok posting sales invoice incorrectly
- Support TikTok main account
- Switch to new TikTok API (202309)
- Fix Shopee posted incorrect discount amount in sales credit note
- Fix Lazada post payment for order with missing item(s) and lost claim
- Post TikTok logistics reimbursement adjustment with the use of new TikTok payment file format
- Skip empty row in TikTok payment excel file
- #6713: SL/PH CN add Access Rights for Prompt Knockoff for CN
- #6672: E-Commerce forms support access rights
- [GST-SG] GST SG tax rate increase to 9% start from 1/1/2024
- #6714: Stock Assembly entry browse grid unable to show Asm Cost column from field chooser
- #6709: Document Transfer dialog add Batch column for Sales Order ->Job Order & Job Order -> Stock Assembly
- #6703: Stock Assembly & Disassembly reports add master batch, detail item & batch pipelines
- Fix GL P&L & Balance Sheet report condolidate display empty database in SQL Connect, which window registry Connection.Pool is blank for normal users
- #6708: SL Invoice edit save prompt error "2149900253" is not a valid integer value
- #6700: Maintain Stock delete a BOM item cause invalid sequence for other BOM items
- #6699: Stock Costing not calculated for old item code if edit document change to another item code
- #6696: CN Transfer from Sales Invoice show "Insufficient memory for this operation" error when Invoice has 400k+ records
SQL Account 5.2023.967.837
- Add QR Payment for Sales Invoice 8 (SST 2)-Aging format
- Fixed Cust Local - Payment Listing - Collection Report Amount not reset when record not found
- Fixed Sales DN rtm format FromDocDate show 30/12/1899
- Update Job Order 1 format Remove the Unit Cost, Overhead Cost and Subtotal, Group by detail location & Add batch and signatory ie. Prepared by, Processed by
- Fixed GL Local - Ledger - Detail - Level 2 Total balance by group not correct
- Fixed Sales Local Invoice & Cash Sales Collection Report Grand Total not correctly map
- Update Sales Invoice 8 (SST 2)-Aging for Pay only shown outstanding amt instead of docamt
- Add new Asset Analysis (12 Months) - Group By Level 2
- Remove net book value column and replace with gain/loss from disposal of assets in Asset Analysis
- Adding Shopee order's note to document's note
- Show country for Lazada, Shopee, and TikTok shops
- Support linking with Lazada cross border account
- Support linking with Shopee main account
- Support new TikTok payment file format
- Include note property for sales order and quotation
- Fix Lazada payment posted refund with wrong amount
- Increase number of records fetched from 250 to 500 for Lazada transaction details
- Remove duplication check for Lazada transaction details
- Do not post sales credit note for order that posted with canceled sales invoices
- Fix TikTok HTTP request retries bug
- Fix post cancelled order using option "Post As Cancelled Sales Invoice" does not tick "Cancelled" in sales invoice
- Allow user to ignore Lazada payment for unposted order
- Allow user to ignore Shopee payment for unposted order
- Fix Shopee incorrectly posted "Product discount rebate from Shopee" in sales credit note
- Fix TikTok assigned document number even document failed to post
- Retry HTTP request if error code 500 Internal Server Error received
- Check cell value is not empty before assigning Shopee payment header index
- Allow user to select specific account(s) before fetch products
- Allow user to select specific account(s) before fetch orders
- Auto Bank Recon - Revise Bank Islam current account cash line-i statement format
- #6575: Auto Bank Recon - Maybank Bank Statement Bank Closing not match ending balance
- #6647: Auto Bank Recon - Maybank invalid numeric input for bank statement that contain gst type column
- #6574: Auto Bank Recon - CIMB Bank did not auto fill Bank Statement Bank Closing balance
- #6685: Stock Assembly unable to save if users no right for Allow Non-existent/Duplicate Serial Number even the Serial Number is valid
- #6694: Sales Profit Loss By Document & Sales S/N Profit Loss By Document tick Cash Sales by default
- View | SL/PH Price History form should focus on first record by default if user last saved grid layout sort by date descending
- #6692: Rich Text Editor unable to change font type, size or color when selection text have mix Font settings (if user change to same current value of combo box)
- #6686: SQL Connect unable to do Consolidation when DCF file saved in SQL Drive folder
- #6642: RHB Reflex cloud banking "remark2" field is filled in as payment advice
- #6681: Missing asset group, agent and area lookup on asset item batch edit window
- #6683: Entry form "Edit as New" button click should prompt access denied if users don't have "New" access right
- #6584: SL/PH CN right click add "Show KnockOff" option to open AR/AP CN entry form
- #5738: Stock Physical Worksheet drill down open different forms based on Qty, SO Qty, PO Qty and JO Qty column's click
- #6671: Add Journal No. on Asset Disposal entry window
- #6674: Sales Price History report prompt Assertion failure error when tick Latest n records option
- #6670: Sales Picking list report add DtlKey field
- #6666: SL/PH Document Entries shouldn't allow to save if Discount contains comma
- #6667: Stock Transfer unable to save if don't have the right for Allow Non-existent/Duplicate Serial Number
SQL Account 5.2023.965.836
- Allow posting Shopee canceled order
- Fix Shopee incorrectly posted refund variance adjustment to sales credit note
- Database upgrade to version 193
- #6653: Add Description2, DocNoEx and Qty fields to Asset Item data entry window
- #6632: Asset item allow to input useful life up to 4 decimals
- Fixed Profit & Loss with Cash Flow (Amt Exclude Tax) report Unable to show Total Cost if do not have cost Adjustment.
- #6659: Auto Bank Recon - Bank Islam current account cash line-i statement format
- Fixed Sales Local - Cash Sales Collection Report not including Contra amount
- Fix TikTok does not create sales credit note for returned item in partial returned order with status completed
- Fix Lazada posting sales credit note without reversal item price for refund order
- Fix Lazada does not include lost claims and adjustments item charge when editing sales invoices
- Fix Woocommerce to use item ID instead of SKU to store alternative code
- Avoid checking for Lazada payment file using empty cheque number
- Delete Lazada sales invoice details while retaining stock record
- Fix Lazada merged item incorrectly
- Adjustment to Shopee return refund variance calculation
- Adjustment to TikTok token refresh logic
- Fix Lazada not adding returned stock items in sales credit note
- Fix EasyStore does not include gift voucher in sales invoice
- #6641: Calculate Costing post duplicate stock transfer or missing documents issue in multi user network environment
- #6393: Asset item can be imported without verifying valid asset group
- #6640: Customer Balance Report incorrect Local C/F when Payment's GainLoss Posting Date > DateTo
- #6656: Sales Price History report prompt out of memory error
- #6651: Maintain Withholding Tax allow Tax Account (DR) leave blank to follow document accounts
- #6643: GL Ledger incorrect BF balance if group by Project alone. Account code should be compulsory to tick for grouping
- #6645: Calculate Costing prompt "Out of Memory" error even item using Fixed Cost method
- #6610: Two Good Received created at the same with same Serial Number for same item code shouldn't allow to save if access right "Allow Non-existent/Duplicate Serial Number" is unticked
- #6639: Prompt error "cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" when double click on item flow document in tabbed docking mode
SQL Account 5.2023.963.835
- #6635: All SL/PH Browse grid add Billing Attention, Phone, Mobile & Fax columns
- Update on HomeScreen debit credit icon
- Ignore adjustment to quantity and discount when editing Lazada sales invoice
- Ignore item ID when constructing Lazada post order details
- Fix Lazada get transaction details with incorrect limit number
- Fix TikTok posted refund seller discount incorrectly
- #6634: All document entries upon save prompt message if Doc Date less then 01 Jan 2000
- #6289: Stock Transfer View Price Tag should display Unit Price based on selected customer
- #6626: GL Cash Book split form mode click New PV but show as OR entry. Same issue happen on AR/AP DN & CN
- #6621: Stock Card Qty report tick Include Zero Balance Transaction show incorrect result
- Fix Stock Card Qty report data form caption
- #6628: GL Cash Book, AR/AP Payment & Refund Forms Bank Balance label change to grey color without bold
- #6629: AR/AP Deposit Entry add Deposit Account column in browse grid
- #6535: Auto Bank Recon - HSBC Bank Statement new format
- #6577: Auto Bank Recon - RHB Bank New Cambodia Statement Format
- #6591: GL Ledger Report group by Account & Project transactions not show if untick "Include zero B/F with Transaction" option
- #6627: GL Cash Book, AR/AP Invoice, DN & CN forms 2nd side button position wrongly when using split browse & detail form mode
- #6613: Sales Invoice save prompt conversion date error if Region format is Thai and Start GST with United Arab Emirates Country
- #6620: Purchase Order transfer from Sales Order Document tab's Amount, Local Amount, Currency Code & Project are blank
- #6624: Cash Sales & Cash Purchase unable to select Payment Method if user manually enter Doc No
- #6616: Location lookup add Description 2 field
- #6617: Customer Payment unable to save if using Rich Text Editor
SQL Account 5.2023.962.834
- Database upgrade to version 192
- Feature #6603: Document attachment support cloud SQL Drive
- #6596: Calculate Costing post duplicate stock issue and missing documents issue in multi user network environment
- Feature #6497: Serial Number field upgrade from 30 to 50 characters
- Show Shopee Refresh Token expiry date instead of shop authorization expiry date
- Include seller discounts in sales credit note for TikTok refund order
- Lazada allow posting item quantity in sales invoice even item has been returned
- Fix Lazada does not include Reversal Promotional Charges Flexi-Combo in sales credit note
- Fix Lazada added additional Lazcoin discount
- Exclude empty company item code in stock take items list
- Prevent order fetching with date to earlier than date from
- #6598: Auto running number for Asset Item doesn't follow Acquire Date
- Enable support up to 4 levels for GL BS - 6C1P - FA format
- #6611: Maintain GL Account rename account "Sales" and "Sales Adjustment" to "Revenue" and "Revenue Adjustment"
- #6614: Supplier Deposit Grid Caption not corect
- #6605: Entry Forms browse mode unable to view images in Rich Text Editor fields
- #6609: GL Cash Book, AR/AP DN & CN Forms new document access right not working
- #6601: SL/PH Invoice, DN & Cash Purchase entry forms show Outstanding Amount
- #6599: Fix Member Point raise error : BO Class (Sales.Point.BO.UI) Not found
SQL Account 5.2023.961.833
- Remove leading space on customer statement report name
- Feature #5522: Entry forms support access right approvalfor New, Edit and Delete buttons
- Fixed GL BS - 6C1P - FA start date should follow financial start date
- Fixed Sales DN FromDocNo & FromDocDate not shown for RTM format
- Fixed GL Balance Sheet & PnL Project Comparison Total Project no line
- Enable support both show & unshow zero balance GL Trial Balance - This Year
- Fix Lazada does not edit sales invoice correctly during payment posting
- Verify Lazada endpoint stored in shop account is not empty
- Fix Lazada fetch product's SKU variation prompt error "SKU not exist"
- Include additional characters to be encode in Lazada API HTTP request call
- Fix TikTok incorrect posting of shipping fee adjustment in sales credit note, and remove platform discount from sales credit note
- Fix TikTok posted platform discount and platform promotion incorrectly
- Fix Lazada fetch product's variation failed due to improper encode of seller SKU
- #6560: AR/AP Payment edit & save prompt "MainDataSet: Dataset not in edit or insert mode" error
- #6593: All document entries upon save prompt message if Doc Date is more than 13 months from Working Date
- #6592: Stock & Production documents preview show blank after user changed posting date
- #6571: GL Balance Sheet - Unable to show full for Consolidation
- #6583: Document Entry remove Prompt for Cheque Number for bank if cheque no is empty
- #6595: GL Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet open column properties prompt error
- #6581: Sales Profit & Loss by Document & Item Margin should show in negative for CN document
- #6540: Auto Bank Recon - Add RAK Bank Statement Format (CSV)
- #6387: Auto Bank Recon - Add Bank Islam Statement Format (PDF)
- #6582: Print BOM Listing click apply prompt access violation error when choose Chinese language
- #6586: GL Ledger report make Project & Tax grid columns visible by default
- #6585: Job Order with more then 600 items transfer to Stock Assembly very slow
SQL Account 5.2023.958.832
- Change new HomeScreen
- #6534: Calculate Stock Costing issues in multi user environment. Stock Item has qty balance in Stock Physical Worksheet but no data in Stock Card report. Error "Cannot update erased record" occurred when perform same item costing calculation simultaneously
- Improve TikTok load payment file performance
- Fix TikTok failed to post partial refund order
- Fix Shopee failed to post partial refund order
- Fix Lazada post credit note with missing partial refund info, and Reversal Promotional Charges Vouchers not included in posted credit note
- Add confirmed status to Lazada order view
- Fixed GL Ledger-FOREX Gain Loss error arithmetic exception, numeric overflow. Floating point divide by zero....
- [GST-SG] Open GST Return Form disable "Submit GST Return to IRAS" option for draft records
SQL Account 5.2023.957.831
- Disable invoice editing when loading TikTok payment file
- Fix TikTok not posting shipping fee adjustment correctly
- Fix TikTok not showing actual exception message while posting payment
- Fix TikTok credit note does not apply shipping fee charges by TikTok for canceled order
- Fix Woocommerce not excluding auto-draft order
- Fix Lazada credit note does not knock off invoice
- Fix Shopee order to include original platform discount into estimated escrow amount and invoice amount calculation
- Fix TikTok not posting order with just shipping fee charge
- Add Comparison - Monthly (18 Months) format for GL Profit & Loss report
- Fixed PV & OR displayformat not follow option
- Fixed Export to excel Account Description empty for GL BS - 4C0P format
- #6531: Rename Asset Disposal to Asset Disposal/Write Off
- Fix PopupControl.TaxRate inaccurate buttons position
- #6525: Maintain Stock Item search Stock Category prompt access violation error
- #6526: Customer Statement with incorrect Aging info if date from is blank
- #6529: Stock Card report's Merge Same Cost option by default untick
- #6527: Auto Bank Recon - Auto match first same amount but different date transaction with bank statement record
- Fix Bank Account Number is missing for some Supplier Payment when preview Supplier Payment Listing
- #6523: Improper function on Access Right Setting for "Hide Dashboard" under View menu
- #6522: Unable to process subsequent month depreciation if asset cost is negative
- Feature #6385: Allow stock item to batch edit stock group
- #6521: Edit & Save Invoice (Note field has value), prompt error "Could not convert variant of type (Array Byte) into type (Integer)"
- #6518: Preview AR/AP Payment, payment method description is empty if the payment transfer from Deposit
- #6519: View Price History - Record should always Go to first