Customization Detail – E Stream MSC

Formula to Calculate Stock Qty for Timber Industry


This customization is specifically made for the timber industry to calculate stock Qty.

There are 3 formulas to calculate the Qty. When the selected formula is:-
i) N1
- Gross Ton = ((Thick * Width / Exchange Unit) / Exchange Tonnage) * ((1pcs * 1mft) + (2pcs * 2mft) + (3pcs * 3mft) + ... + (19pcs * 19mft) + (20pcs * 20mft))
- Qty = Gross Ton - Deduct 3 - Deduct 6
- Total Pcs = 1pcs + 2pcs + 3pcs + 4pcs + ... + 19pcs + 20pcs

ii) N2
- Gross Ton = (Thick * Width / Exchange Tonnage) * ((1pcs * 1mft) + (2pcs * 2mft) + (3pcs * 3mft) + ... + (19pcs * 19mft) + (20pcs * 20mft))
- Qty = Gross Ton - Deduct 3 - Deduct 6
- Total Pcs = 1pcs + 2pcs + 3pcs + 4pcs + ... + 19pcs + 20pcs

iii) N3
- Gross Ton = (Thick * Width * Exchange Unit) / Exchange Tonnage
- Deduct2 = Gross Ton * (Deduct1 / 100)
- Deduct3 = Deduct2 * Unit Price
- Deduct5 = Thick * Deduct4 * Deduct4 / Exchange Tonnage
- Deduct6 = Deduct5 * Unit Price
- Qty = Gross Ton - Deduct2 - Deduct5
Project Information

Posted by: yee

Created: June 9, 2012 - 11:19 am

Category: DIY Customization

Module: Sales, Purchase, Stock

Price: RM 1000.00

NOTE: Price range are subject to change depending on cost and complexity of customization

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